More Americans: Photographs by Carl Abrahamsson
Black and white photographs from American journeys between 1989 and 2012. With his intuitive gaze steering towards the netherworlds of an America that contains equal parts dream and nightmare, Swedish author/photographer Carl Abrahamsson captures a dissolved civilization in stark images: architecture, professionals, homeless, sign languages from bygone days, competition at any cost, saturated emotions, and harsh patterns of a perhaps not so manifest destiny. Working in a tradition of timeless humanist reportage approaches (as formulated by pioneers such as Walker Evans, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Robert Frank), Abrahamsson’s photographic images display the world as it was right there and then, and also leave a retinal residue that (hopefully) still keeps us thinking today.
“Carl’s photographs capture the pathos of America’s crumbling artifice, casting an impartial outsider’s eye on our failed dreams and delusions. Now, as we tumble helplessly into our Trumpian dystopia, these images will perhaps serve as nostalgic icons of a disintegrating paradise, soon to be gone forever.” – Michael Gira
“It’s like when I found my next door neighbor’s photographs of my own house that he had been secretly taking.” – Joe Coleman
“Welcome to the unedited, unfiltered and unveiled world of the promised land. More Americans… Images that tell stories within a story through an eye of awareness and honesty.” – Carl Michael von Hausswolff
”Abrahamsson views the American landscape from a cultural distance, finding unexpected moments of grace in street corners and forgotten spaces. His black and white photographs cut through pretense to capture an America that exists in the space between glitter and rust, hope and hopelessness, lives unfolding in the shadow of fading dreams.” – Sean Bonner
Trapart Books, 2025. 172 pages, hardbound. 8,5 x 11. Available HERE.
Vimmerby: Hembygd & Omnejd
A photo book with images from the beautiful small town of Vimmerby and its surrounding areas. Basically moving from autumn to summer, almost 250 images images tell a story of peace, quiet, and majestic nature.
Trapart Books 2024, 252 pages in full color, 8,5 x 11″. Available HERE.
Meetings with Remarkable Magicians – Life in the Occult Underground
A magical memoir of meetings and insights, covering work with Thee Temple OvPsychick Youth (TOPY), the OTO, Church of Satan and other groups, as well as wisdom and teachings from friends and allies like Genesis P-Orridge, Anton LaVey and Kenneth Anger.
Inner Traditions, 2024. 400 pages, 6 x 9″, illustrated with photographs. Available as paperback, e-book and audio book.
Inbetween the Lines – Essays on Occulture, Magic, and Seductive Zombie Strippers
In his easy-going style, best-selling author Carl Abrahamsson roams through inspiring topics like magic, occulture, art, and psychology, and also shares from his vast experience of working the magical system of Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) in general, and with the ”cut-up” technique specifically. There are also essays dealing with literature and film, ranging from Aleister Crowley, Ingmar Bergman, and on to Ed Wood Jr.
Specializing in topics and people that have changed our culture in hidden ways, Abrahamsson’s essays are inspiring guides on your own journey to individuation, and to a new way of looking at and appreciating culture.
Trapart Books, 2024. 260 pages, 6 x 9”. Available in paperback, hardback, and e-book editions.

We May Need To Call On Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday, part 2) by Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson
How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.
Relentlessly rubbing out the boundaries between these interesting fields, Abrahamsson & Sinclair enthusiastically experiment with artistic expression in various media while strengthening agency and success in their occult work. All the while learning about themselves and each other in their quest for deeper insights.
This book contains chapters on magic, mysticism, their relationships with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, necromancy, the power of exposure and honesty, the cut-ups of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin as a magical technique, pathography, dreams, creativity, the unconscious, the dangers of inertia & entropy, occult documents from the ”Society of Sentience,” inspiration, herbal magic, writing a cut-up novel, meetings with infamous Satanist Anton LaVey, the tarot, keeping a diary, film as magic, glitchcraft, wisdoms of psychoanalysis, pansexuality, intuitive altar-building, initiation & secrecy, yoga, and much more.
In their casual and inspiring style, Abrahamsson & Sinclair intimately share of themselves and their lives so that the readers can cherry-pick morsels of wisdom as they see fit. Included are also over a hundred color images: portraits, photographs, film stills, collages and cut-ups from Abrahamsson & Sinclair’s vast and experimental output.
Trapart Books, 2023. 8,5 x 11”, 220 full color pages, available in paperback and hardbound editions. Available HERE.
If you are interested in this book, you should probably also check out the first volume of the Magic Monday series: ”It’s Magic Monday Every Day of the Week” (2021).

”Dagfjärilar” innehåller ett femtiotal penséer från ett synnerligen personligt perspektiv, tillika uttryckta med idiomatisk panache. En rejäl kioskvältare med andra ord!
”Tankar formulerade av författaren Carl Abrahamsson under det första pandemiåret, 2020-2021. Själva reflekterandet och formulerandet ledde till ett faktiskt förflyttande från storstad till småstad, från tidsbesatthet till tidlöshet, från grumlighet till klarhet. Små penséer med magisk kraft att förändra en livssituation till det bättre när de träffas i det dolda bakom pärmarna i en och samma bok. Även det till synes flyktiga lämnar spår efter sig – en liten tanke räcker gott och väl för att skapa stor förändring, likt en fjärils vingslag i evigheten och det oändliga.”
”Ovissheten om huruvida någon läser eller inte läser dessa mina penséer är mig lika futil som vissheten om att jag verkligen inte är intresserad av andras. Ska man mötas halvvägs när man egentligen redan är framme, eller stanna kvar i början till dess andra hastat iväg och förbi? Futil är mig även vissheten om denna ovisshet.”
Trapart Books, 2023. 70 sidor, 6 x 9″. Utgiven i mjukband och kartongband. Beställes HÄR.

Chimera Obscura – Selected Exhibitions 2003-2014: Photographs by Carl Abrahamsson
“Basic wisdom: the shutter is a guillotine that separates the vision of the mind – conscious or not – from the body of (often) ill-expressed desires. The vision is the way in and out: the image as a gateway drug to real unknown pleasures of fantasy and fact. Humanoid celluloid, silver-lined emotional emulsions projecting darkness into the light for some kind of eternity’s sake.”
This book contains photographs from Carl Abrahamsson’s exhibitions Gothic (2003), Lost and Fond (2007), Olika Människor (2007), Death Is In Our Hearts (2009), Kofeina (2010), FanzinEra (2010), and Imprisoned Sentences (2014).
Trapart Books 2023. 180 pages, hardbound. Available HERE.

Source Magic – The Origin of Art, Science & Culture
An exploration of how magic can be found within all human activities. Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and occulture, Carl Abrahamsson offers a “magical-anthropological” journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of occultists like Genesis P-Orridge. He examines the consequences of magical practice and how the attraction to magic can be corrupted by both religious organizations and occult societies.
Inner Traditions, 2023. 256 pages, paperback. Available in all major online bookstores.

Codex Nordica
I spillrorna efter långvariga krig och katastrofer är Sverige ett löst sammanhållet feodalt rike omgärdat av okända hot och plågat av inre stridigheter. Regenten Soldan Ridderberg styr med järnhand, med hjälp av de mäktigaste adelsmännen. Han värnar om den unge Hjalmar Stackelstad, som tillåtits leva isolerad på en gård och arbeta med att uttolka ”Codex Nordica” – en samling tankar om en återuppbyggnad grundad i humanistiska ideal och inte endast rå makt.
Tillsammans med den äldre vännen Jonas Trädgårds jobbar Stackelstad och Ridderberg med att få till stånd en omröstning för att få Codex att bli hela landets rättesnöre. Somliga adelsmän är för, andra emot. I det att man röner vissa framgångar och Stackelstad tar allt mer synlig plats, blir han mer och mer misstänksam mot alla. Varför har han fått leva ett så privilegierat liv? Vilken betydelse har manuskriptet egentligen? Är det överhuvudtaget möjligt att återgå till ett civiliserat liv efter en så lång tid av kaos?
I det att Stackelstad och Trädgårds sprider tankarna på Mellansveriges gods och gårdar, ökar motståndet – både det osynliga och det synliga. Den intellektuelle som förankrats i ideal och eftertanke möter motvilligt de ränker och det våld han hittills skyddats från. Men det är nu inte längre fråga om att vilja eller inte vilja för Stackelstad. Han befinner sig oundvikligen i framtidens absoluta mittpunkt – både Sveriges och sin egen.
Trapart Books, 2022. 268 sidor. Finns som mjukbunden och hårdbunden utgåva, samt som e-bok.
Omslag av Gabriella River Eriksson. Please note: This book is in Swedish.

Free of the Darkness – 136 Photographs from Russia
In this book are 136 photographs from Russia, displaying subjective intersections of time and space in an environment as fascinating and enchanting as it can be depressing and dangerous. Never a dull moment for those who dare roam the Russian spaces with an open mind and camera in hand… Street scenes, architecture, people, nature… all the facets of daily life flash by as we travel through a country as vast as it is mysterious; as emotionally honest and glamorous as it seems eternally hesitant to shake off the yoke of totalitarianism. Whether you look at Russia as a haunting spectre unable to leave its violent past behind or as a nation of immense creative potential, Carl Abrahamsson’s photographs provide you with personal, private and revealing glimpses of Russian life.
“What we are attracted to and what we fear (sometimes they are one and the same), we must absolutely explore. When I was offered a Russian photo exhibition and a mini-tour for my musical project Cotton Ferox in 2007, I was overjoyed. For almost two weeks, I travelled to Moscow, St Petersburg and Yaroslavl. The work presented did not feel half as interesting to me as what I experienced and documented myself there and then. Russia is an insanely fascinating and brutally emotional culture, proudly flaunting both victories and defeats as if they were the same – essentially, a photographer’s and observer’s paradise.” – Carl Abrahamsson, from the introduction
Trapart Books, 2022. 150 pages in full colour, 7 x 10″. Available as paperback, hardback, and e-book.

Anton LaVey & The Church of Satan
One of privileged few who spent time with the “Black Pope” in the last decade of his life, Carl Abrahamsson met Anton LaVey in 1989, sparking an “infernally” empowering friendship. In this book Abrahamsson explores what LaVey was really about, where he came from, and how he shaped the esoteric landscape of the 1960s. The author shares in-depth interviews with the notorious Satanist’s intimate friends and collaborators, including LaVey’s partner Blanche Barton, his son Xerxes LaVey, current heads of the Church of Satan Peter Gilmore and Peggy Nadramia, occult filmmaker Kenneth Anger, LaVey’s personal secretary Margie Bauer, film collector Jack Stevenson, and film historian Jim Morton. Abrahamsson also shares never-before-published material from LaVey himself, including discussions between LaVey and Genesis P-Orridge and transcripts from LaVey’s never-released “Hail Satan!” video.
Inner Traditions, 2022. Available wherever books are sold.

It’s Magic Monday Every Day of the Week
(With Vanessa Sinclair)
In 2020, psychoanalyst-artist Vanessa Sinclair & author Carl Abrahamsson decided to create an online presence specifically for their magical practice & philosophy. This led to a weekly transmission aptly called “Magic Monday.”
This book sums up the first year of these writings, photos, poems, collages, and cut-ups. In an inspiring tour-de-force for all senses, Sinclair & Abrahamsson touch upon ritual, runes, psychedelics, sex, tarot, individuation, ancestor worship, talismania, the third mind method of Brion Gysin & William S Burroughs, creating sigils, shamanism, the Mega Golem, necromancy & glitchcraft, dealing with death & loss, making charged art, time travel, biospheric morals, and much more… The book also contains more than one hundred colour photographs and collages.
It’s Magic Monday Every Day of the Week is a book that will keep intriguing and inspiring you to experiment freely, and to develop as a human being. With an attitude of cutting up and rearranging the givens – of disrupting the narrative – you can change more things in life than you’ve ever dreamt of.
Sinclair & Abrahamsson share their own intimate, magical experiences and show you how easy it can actually be to take charge and write your own story.
266 pages, full colour, 6 x 9”. Available as paperback, hardback and e-book.

Fanzinera Expanded – Photographs 1985-1988
Swedish writer Carl Abrahamsson started taking photos to go along with the interviews he made for the fanzines “Lollipop” and “Acts Of Interstellar Torture” (1985-1988). From this vast and snap-happy collection comes “FanzinEra”… A selection which includes portraits and live shots of underground superstars like: Iggy Pop, Sonic Youth, Lydia Lunch, Richard Kern, Nick Zedd, Joe Coleman, The Gun Club, The Cramps, Union Carbide Productions, The Leather Nun, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Alex Chilton, The Church, The Go-Betweens, Long Ryders, Died Pretty, The Scientists, The Saints, Sort Sol, Sator, John Lydon, Legendary Stardust Cowboy, New Order, The Godfathers, Genesis P-Orridge, Henry Rollins, Pere Ubu, Hüsker Dü, The Shamen, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction, Dom Dummaste, The Stomachmouths, The Nomads, The Creeps, Pushtwangers, Livingstones, Wylde Mammoths, Blue For Two and Cortex… To mention but a few! Also included are textual flashbacks and quotes from the interviews, full color reproductions of the fanzine covers, and an introduction by American photographer Richard Kern.
Trapart Books 2021, 136 pages, 210 x 297 mm, paperback.
Paperback edition available here.

Temporarily Eternal is an emotional-visual summing up of a creative friendship between Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and British artist Genesis P-Orridge (1950-2020) that lasted for more than three decades, and which was filled with musical projects, films, books, writings, conversations, travel, and a great deal of magic. This book both is and is not a companion to Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: Sacred Intent – Conversations with Carl Abrahamsson 1986-2019. It is, in the sense that the present book also focuses on shared moments during the same period of time. It is not, in the sense that it’s not an intellectual trip into concepts and thoughts expressed via language, in conversation. Instead, this book contains photographic portraits: some are staged, considered, thought through, and some are pure snapshots of auspicious and fleeting moments. And some are definitely somewhere in between: juggling immediate form with desired content.
Trapart Books 2021, paperback, 8,5 x 8,5”, 182 pages, with approximately 150 photographs, and an essay by Carl Abrahamsson.
Paperback and hardback editions available here.

Trapart Books, 2021. “Different People” is an anthology of interviews by Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson, focusing on art, life and the creative process. Included are in-depth conversations with Conrad Rooks, Malcolm McLaren, Stelarc, John Duncan, Charles Gatewood, Mark McCloud, Ralph Metzner, Peter Beard, Bill Landis, Ralph Gibson, Maja Elliott, Michael Bowen, Bob Colacello, Dian Hanson, Anton Corbijn, June Newton, Kendell Geers, Simeon Coxe III (Silver Apples), Vicki Bennett (People Like Us), and Brian Williams (Lustmord). These groundbreaking artists, writers, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, editors and psychedelic researchers have all helped shape the culture we live in. But what makes them do what they do? Which are their driving forces and their inspirations; their joys and fears?
Trapart Books, 2021, 6 x 9” paperback, illustrated with photographic portraits, 292 pages.
Paperback edition available here.

Trapart Books, 2021. An anthology volume celebrating a decade of occult mischief by the “Mega Golem.” Originally conceived by Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson as a “quantum quilt” project that artists and magicians can contribute to, the Mega Golem now has a life of its own. Whether its parts and abilities are known and tangible or secret and ethereal, the impact of its presence is undeniable. It weaves a special kind of magic for the 21st century, in and through art and talismanic approaches.
Is this being invisible? Indivisible? Invincible? Intangible? Whose desires and dreams are incorporated in the sinews and cells of this benign mutation of our inertly causal culture? The Mega Golem is the poetic transcendence of expected transgression, and as such a psychosexual embrace from behind the front-lines. Free for all, and dreams made flesh! This first Mega Golem book collects ideas, theories and artworks that all constitute its first incarnation. This book is therefore nothing less than a Magical Womanual for any and all who are willing to believe wholeheartedly in the disbelief of psychic prestidigitation and its many emotional pitfalls.
With contributions by Carl Abrahamsson, Vanessa Sinclair, Kadmus Herschel, Gabriel McCaughry and others.
Trapart Books, 2021, 8,5 x 8,5” paperback, with colour illustrations, 84 pages.
Paperback and hardback editions available here

Trapart Books, 2020. God proposes the challenge of the millennium: if Satan sorts out the ever growing human mess on Earth, God will lovingly take him back to Heaven as his favorite Archangel. Satan accepts, and sets out on a massive operation to balance out over-population, pollution, corruption, and other severely Satanic headaches – many of which he originally helped create… Easier said than done!
Satan’s love of the ambitiously mischievous humans is challenged as his own “Team Apocalypse” fervently sets to work. But as the world begins to change quickly and dramatically for the better, a new question arises: can God and his suspicious Archangels really be trusted in this cataclysmic, cosmic undertaking?
190 pages, 5 x 8″ paperback + e-book.
Paperback edition available here
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (iBooks)

Trapart Books, 2020. Sacred Intent gathers conversations between artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and longtime friend and collaborator, the Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson. From the first 1986 fanzine interview about current projects, over philosophical insights, magical workings, international travels, art theory and gender revolutions, to 2019’s thoughts on life and death in the the shadow of battling leukaemia, Sacred Intent is a unique journey in which the art of conversation blooms.
With (in)famous projects like C.O.U.M. Transmissions, Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) and Pandrogeny, Breyer P-Orridge has consistently thwarted preconceived ideas and transformed disciplines such as performance art, music, collage, poetry and social criticism; always cutting up the building blocks to dismantle control structures and authority. But underneath the socially conscious and pathologically rebellious spirit, there has always been a devout respect for a holistic, spiritual, magical worldview – one of “sacred intent.”
Sacred Intent is a must read for anyone interested in contemporary art, deconstructed identity, gender evolution, and magical philosophy. The book not only celebrates an intimate friendship, but also the work and ideas of an artist who has never ceased to amaze and provoke. Also included are photographic portraits of Breyer P-Orridge taken by Carl Abrahamsson, transcripts of key lectures, and an interview with Jacqueline “Lady Jaye” Breyer P-Orridge from 2004.
Spanish Edition available HERE.

Park Street Press/Inner Traditions, 2018. Art, magic, and the occult have been intimately linked since our prehistoric ancestors created the first cave paintings some 50,000 years ago. As civilizations developed, these esoteric forces continued to drive culture forward, both visibly and behind the scenes, from the Hermetic ideas of the Renaissance, to the ethereal worlds of 19th century Symbolism, to the occult interests of the Surrealists. In this deep exploration of “occulture”–the liminal space where art and magic meet–Carl Abrahamsson reveals the integral role played by magic and occultism in the development of culture throughout history as well as their relevance to the continuing survival of art and creativity. Blending magical history and esoteric philosophy with his more than 30 years’ experience in occult movements, Abrahamsson looks at the phenomena and people who have been seminal in modern esoteric developments, including Carl Jung, Anton LaVey, Paul Bowles, Aleister Crowley, and Rudolf Steiner. Showing how art and magic were initially one and the same, the author explores the history of magic as a source of genuine counter culture and compares it with our contemporary soulless, digital monoculture. He reveals how the magic of art can be restored if art is employed as a means rather than an end–if it is intense, emotional, violent, and expressive–and offers strategies for creating freely, magically, even spontaneously, with intent unfettered by the whims of trends, a creative practice akin to chaos magick that assists both creators and spectators to live with meaning. He also looks at intuition and creativity as the cornerstones of genuine individuation, explaining how insights and illuminations seldom come in collective forms. Exploring magical philosophy, occult history, the arts, psychology, and the colorful grey areas in between, Abrahamsson reveals the culturally and magically transformative role of art and the ways the occult continues to transform culture to this day.

Trapart Books, 2017. Writer-photographer Carl Abrahamsson traveled to Las Vegas and the annual “Adult Entertainment Expo” between 1995 and 2010. He met porn stars, producers, fans and an assortment of weird people. This book collects mind-boggling portraits of people in the adult industry: famous as well as infamous. It’s a colourful bonanza of weirdness and beauty, of humility and hubris, of voyeurism and exhibitionism, of despair and excitement. This is a world of its own and Abrahamsson has the all the crazy photos of many of its key movers and shakers. Get ready for a wild ride in smut-land!
Paperback edition available here.
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

Scarlet Imprint, 2014: Reasonances is an anthology of selected essays, lectures and interviews by occultural pioneer Carl Abrahamsson. A subversive, creative, psychedelic collection of 23 essays spanning thirteen years at the forefront of occulture and magic, followed an interview with the author by Sylvie Walder. The unifying question of this diverse and stimulating collection can perhaps be stated thus: how does magic hack culture? Or perhaps even: what is the role and magic of the artist?
Abrahamsson proposes strategies of engagement that draw from TOPY, Thelema and Satanism, with which he is intimately acquainted. His magic is that of the interzone, the hinterland, of the unseen forces that drive culture forward. Reasonances is therefore a nexus of heretical possibilities investigated with a calm reflection that goes beyond his native Scandinavian cool. It is with great generosity of spirit, a candour and lack of dogma that he outlines his understanding of magic as art. For Abrahamsson, boundless creativity is a necessary expression of Will. He suggests that we should be actively producing culture, artifacts, music, artworks, happenings. And that these ‘facts on the ground’ could be understood as a gesamtkunstwerk, the Mega Golem, that will leak into popular and unpopular consciousness. He wants us to reason, to act, to live with meaning. To do our Will.
With an understanding of Magician as Artist, in a process of moving from what is hidden to what becomes seen, he employs a methodology that has become apparent in the thirteen years of work that this collection represents. Essays on the history of occult art, the formula of Babalon as supra-sexual transformation, the mechanics of magic, and more, provide a complete vision of a magician who is engaged with counterculture, occulture and incursions into the wider culture. Furthermore, he provides a constellation of Stars by which to navigate these evolving realms. Japanese masochist and master writer Yukio Mishima and German novelist Ernst Jünger are considered, as are Bulwer Lytton of Vril fame and Australian artist Rosaleen Norton. He twice interviews artist of light Kenneth Anger, and is found in conversation with Beat avant-garde filmmaker Conrad Rooks. He recites his death rune for mentor Anton LaVey, and eulogises his friend Lady Jaye. These ‘stars’ are carefully observed with his astrolabe, enabling us to see into the past, comprehend where we are in the present, and project ourselves forward into a magical future.
Carl Abrahamsson is a pioneer of occulture whose life adventure has seen him forge a personal and lasting bond with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, contribute as a Thelemic thinker in OTO, administer TOPYSCAN and TOPYEUROPE at the height of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, as well as working with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge in the guises of Psychic TV/Thee Majesty with his own White Stains project. He is the founder of the respected journal The Fenris Wolf and the publishing house Edda (with Fredrik Söderberg). He is a writer, curator, conspirator, photographer, documentary film maker, and indefatigable agent of change.
Available from Scarlet Imprint

Camion Noir, 2014. An anthology of essays, lectures and other texts from between 2000-2013 (in French). For more information, please see Reasonances above.

Okultura, 2016. An anthology of essays, lectures and other texts from between 2000-2013 (in Polish). For more information, please see Reasonances above.

Edda Publishing, 2013/Trapart Books, 2020: An occult sex thriller set in an international environment. Unearthed plans and designs stemming from radical inventor Nikola Tesla could solve the world’s energy problems. These plans suddenly generate a vortex of interest from various powers. Thrown into this maelstrom of international intrigue is Victor Ritterstadt, a soul searching magician with a mysterious and troubled past. From Berlin, over Macedonia and all the way to Nepal, Ritterstadt sets out on an inner quest. Espionage, love, UFOs, magick, telepathy, conspiracies, LSD and more in this shocking story of a world about to be changed forever.
Paperback and hardback editions available here
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

Wydawnictwo IX, 2019. A Polish edition of Mother, Have A Safe Trip.

With an introduction by Richard Kern – TRAPART, Stockholm, 2012.
Writer Carl Abrahamsson started taking photos to go along with the interviews he made for the fanzines “Lollipop” and “Acts Of Interstellar Torture” (1985-1988). From this vast and snap-happy collection comes “FanzinEra”, a selection which includes portraits and live shots of underground superstars like:
Iggy Pop, Sonic Youth, Lydia Lunch, Richard Kern, Nick Zedd, Joe Coleman, The Gun Club, The Cramps, Union Carbide Productions, The Leather Nun, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Alex Chilton, The Church, The Go-Betweens, Long Ryders, Died Pretty, The Scientists, The Saints, Sort Sol, Sator, John Lydon, Legendary Stardust Cowboy, New Order, The Godfathers, Genesis P-Orridge, Henry Rollins, Pere Ubu, Hüsker Dü, The Shamen, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction, Dom Dummaste, The Stomachmouths, The Nomads, The Creeps, Pushtwangers, Livingstones, Wylde Mammoths, Blue For Two and Cortex… To name but a few!
Also included are textual flashbacks and quotes from the interviews, and an introduction by photographer Richard Kern.
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book available here (Apple)

h:ström Text & Kultur, Umeå, 2007.
Olika Människor är en antologi med kulturintervjuer av journalisten och fotografen Carl Abrahamsson. På resor från Bergslagen till Hollywood, via Pattaya, New York och andra platser, har Abrahamsson porträtterat fotografer, regissörer, skribenter, musiker och konstnärer som alla har en sak gemensamt: en passionerad vision av hur livet ska levas. Deras livsöden må vara olika och deras konstnärliga uttryck likaså. Men en stark vilja förenar dem alla: viljan att uttrycka sig på egna villkor.
I boken medverkar Dian Hanson, Michael Moynihan, June Newton, Wes Lang, Kenneth Anger, Maja Ratkje, Carl Johan De Geer, Ewa Rudling, Mika Vainio / Pan Sonic, Missy Suicide, Mark McCloud, Maja Elliott, Gunnar Smoliansky, Michael Bowen, Jens Assur, Peter Beard, Bo Cavefors, Ralph Gibson, Ralph Metzner, Charles Gatewood, von Hausswolff-Elggren, Stelarc, Genesis P-Orridge, John Duncan, Lars Hillersberg, Malcolm McLaren, Hans Scheike, V Vale, Steve Leyba, Adam Parfrey och Conrad Rooks.
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

Fischer & Co, Stockholm, 2000.
Tillsammans med Henrik Bogdan och Peder Byberg.
Fotografen Max Fredrikson reste i omgångar mellan 1996 och 1999 i Asien tillsammans med författaren Carl Abrahamsson. Det blev storögda resor genom norra Indien och Nepals färgstarka exiltibetanska samhällen samt många äventyrliga strapatser i det väldiga landet Tibet, ofta kallat “världens tak”. Det innebar även resor i det inre, i de egna upplevelsernas överraskande och ofta omskakande insikter och slutsatser. Bardo Tibet är en subjektiv vision: en reseberättelse för alla dem som vid något tillfälle berörts av Tibet som land, kultur och folk.

Ubertext, Stockholm, 2000.
Det finns något fruktansvärt dekadent över författarskapet. Inte så mycket i den romantiska mytbild av excesser en masse folk så gärna projicerar på de stackars pennkramarna. Utan snarare i det att författarna – primo – egentligen inte gör något annat än att bygga upp subjektiva och högst skenbara världar av sanning och – secundo – tvingar andra att ta del av det. Som om folk inte skulle ha bättre saker att göra!
Editorial Projects

The Trapartisan Review welcomes you to enjoy unique works of art created by a number of highly talented contemporary and international painters, writers, photographers, poets, performance- and collage artists, etc, jointly assembling a strong and elegant bouquet of timeless expressions for your pleasure and inspiration. This first issue contains contributions by Jason Atomic, Hector Domiane, Val Denham, Johan Hamrin, Billy Chainsaw, Andreas Kalliaridis, Jordi Valls, Peter Köhler, Nicolas Ballet, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Carl Abrahamsson, Anna Sebastian, Gabriella Eriksson, Karl Max Fredriksson, Vanessa Sinclair, Susana Vico Valero, Jake Kobrin, Tom Banger, Tim Pewe, Gunner Wright, Sean Bonner, Charlotte Rodgers, Annsofie Jonsson, Jason Haaf, Hazel Cline, Ruby Ray, Lars Sundestrand, Åsa Ersmark, Nestor Povarnin, Hannah Haddix, Sergey Martyn, Gustaf Broms, MV Carbon, Steven Cline, Paul Bee Hampshire, Christopher Mealie, Gabriela Herstik, and Tom Benson.
Trapart Books, 2022. 8,5 x 11”, 196 pages in full colour. Available in paperback and hardback editions. Paperback and hardback editions available here.
I also edit and publish the sort of annual renowned anthology of occulture, The Fenris Wolf. This book is published by Trapart Books in cooperation with the Institute of Comparative Magico-anthropology. Here follows a chronology of the issues published so far. For more detailed information, please go to the Trapart homepage.

This eleventh issue contains material presented at the Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult conference “Re-writing the Future: 100 Years of Esoteric Modernism and Psychoanalysis” (Merano, 2019). Presenters were Kadmus, Charlotte Rodgers, Kasper Opstrup, Elisabeth Punzi & Per Magnus Johansson, Hans-Peter Söder, Haukur Jonasson, Carlos Abler, Stephanie Moran & Anna Sebastian, Katy Bohinc, Tom Banger & Koshka, Simon Magus, Ugo Dossi, Siegfried de Rachewiltz, Katrina Makkouk, Vanessa Sinclair, Blanche Barton, and Carl Abrahamsson, presenting topics as diverse as Greek Paganism, spiritual evolution, Cosmism’s inherent longing to go into space, Hilda Doolittle, the power of myth, Christianity’s influence in medieval Pagan Iceland, hypno-mimesis and working with body, the esoteric methods of Ithell Colquhoun, poetry as magic, the aesthetics and methods of Austin Osman Spare, automatic drawing, Joseph Ennemoser, Ezra Pound’s occultism, the crusade against magical thinking, the roots of modern Satanism, and the relationship between Ezra Pound and his publisher James Laughlin.
Trapart Books, 2022. 6 x 9”, 256 pages. Edited by Carl Abrahamsson & Vanessa Sinclair. Available in paperback, hardback and e-book editions.

This volume contains material by Ludwig Klages, David Beth, Henrik Dahl, Peter Sjöstedt-H, Jesse Bransford, Max Razdow, Christopher Webster, Kendell Geers, Kadmus, Billie Steigerwald, Fred Andersson, Zaheer Gulamhusein, Charlotte Rodgers, Craig Slee, Damien Patrick Williams, Philip H. Farber, Thomas Bey William Bailey, Mitch Horowitz, Ramsey Dukes, Anders Lundgren, Peggy Nadramia, Nina Antonia, Jack Stevenson, Andrea Kundry, Joan Pope, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Vanessa Sinclair, Claire-Madeline Corso, and Carl Abrahamsson…
… On topics as diverse as magico-anthropology, sexual magic, eroto-psychedelic art, Friedrich Nietzsche’s use of psychoactive drugs, the occult meaning of the Fenris Wolf in Scandinavian Asatro, joint dreaming, mytho-historical traces within Völkish photography, the magic and influence of African art, disease as magical incentive, Cripkult, daoism, buddhism and machine consciousness, memetic entities, memetic magick, the transformative power of causative thinking, an interview with author Gary Lachman about Colin Wilson and his magical writings, dark Hollywood, Mike “Hellboy” Mignola and the Lovecraft connection, the full story of Benjamin Christensen’s cinematic masterpiece “Witchcraft Through the Ages” (1922), the full story of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible, the gnostic-alchemical eroticism in the art of Joan Pope, Genesis P-Orridge’s memories of a life of occultural experimentation, and much more…
Trapart Books 2020. Cover art by Val Denham. 6 x 9” paperback. 422 pages.
Available in paperback, hardback and e-book editions.

This volume contains material from the conference Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult (London, 2016), with contributions from Gary Lachman, Vanessa Sinclair, Katelan Foisy, Sharron Kraus, Demetrius Lacroix, Graham Duff, Ken Henson, Peter Grey, Val Denham, Claire-Madeline Culkin, Steven Reisner, Katy Bohinc, Olga Cox Cameron, Ingo Lambrecht, Elliott Edge, Charlotte Rodgers, Alkistis Dimech, Fred Yee, Robert Ansell, Ray O Neill, Derek M Elmore, Julio Mendes Rodrigo, Eve Watson, and Carl Abrahamsson. Topics include Sigmund Freud and the Occult, Art as Alchemy, the art of John Balance, Cut-Ups as a magical and psychoanalytic tool, Maori shamanism within therapy, Animistic art, Dance as ritual, Androgynous aspects in Austin Osman Spare’s art, Salvador Dali’s meeting with Jacques Lacan, Rebis: the Double Being, David Bowie’s Non-Human Effect, similarities between ritual magic and psychoanalysis, and much more.
Contents: Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson Editors’ Introduction: Looking back at the crossroads, Katelan Foisy Invocation: Homage to the spirits of the land/London, Sharron Kraus Art as Alchemy, Demetrius Lacroix The Seven Layers of the Vodou Soul, Graham Duff Sublime Fragments: The Art of John Balance, Ken Henson The American Occult Revival In My Work, Gary Lachman Was Freud Afraid of the Occult?, Peter Grey Fly the Light, Val Denham Proclaim Present Time Over, Katelan Foisy & Vanessa Sinclair The Cut In Creation, Claire-Madeline Culkin Beds, Bodies and Other Books of Common Prayer – A Reading of the Photography of Nan Goldin, Steven Reisner On the Dance of the Occult and Unconscious in Freud, Katy Bohinc The 12th House: Art and the Unconscious, Olga Cox Cameron When Shall We 3 Meet Again? Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult: A Clandestine Convergence, Ingo Lambrecht Wairua: Following shamanic contours in psychoanalytic therapy at a Māori Mental Health Service in New Zealand, Elliott Edge An Occult Reading of PAO! Imagining in the Dark with Our Vestigial Shamanism in a Shade, Shadow, Wide, Charlotte Rodgers Stripped to the Core: Animistic Art Action and Magical Revelation, Alkistis Dimech Dynamics of the Occulted Body, Fred Yee Cut-Up As Egregore, Oracle and Flirtation Device, Robert Ansell Androgyny, Biology and Latent Memory in the Work of Austin Osman Spare, Ray O Neill Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Psychoanalysis Burn and Surrealism Bubble, Derek M Elmore Dreams and the Neither-Neither, Julio Mendes Rodrigo Rebis, the Double Being, Eve Watson Bowie’s Non-Human Effect: Alien/Alienation in The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) and The Hunger (1983), Carl Abrahamsson Formulating the Desired: Some similarities between ritual magic and the psychoanalytic process

Carl Abrahamsson: Editor’s Introduction, Vanessa Sinclair: Polymorphous Perversity and Pandrogeny, Charles Stansfield Jones (Frater Achad): Alchymia, Tim O’Neill: Black Lodge/White Lodge, Nina Antonia: Bosie & The Beast, Aki Cederberg: Festivals of Spring, Michael Moynihan: Friedrich Hielscher’s Vision of the Real Powers, Friedrich Hielscher: The Real Powers, Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule: Ear Horn: Shamanic Perspectives and Multi-Sensory Inversion, Zbigniew Lagosz: The Figure of the Polish Magician: Czesław Czynski (1858-1932), Gary Lachman: Rejected Knowledge: A Look At Our Other Way of Knowing, Carl Abrahamsson: Intuition as a State of Grace, Bishop T Omphalos: The Golden Thread: Soteriological Aspects of the Gnostic Catholicism in E.G.C., Kendell Geers: iMagus, Johan Nilsson: Defending Paper Gods – Aleister Crowley and the Reception of Daoism in Early 20th Century Esotericism, Gordan Djurdjevic: The Birth of the New Aeon: Magick and Mysticism of Thelema from the Perspective of Postmodern A/Theology, Tim O’Neill: The Derleth Error, Antti P Balk: Greek Mysteries, Carl Abrahamsson: The Economy of Magic, Stephen Sennitt: The Book of the Sentient Night: 23 Nails, Henrik Dahl: We Ate the Acid: A Note on Psychedelic Imagery, Jason Louv: Robert Anton Wilson’s Cosmic Trigger and the Psychedelic Interstellar Future we need, Carey Hodges & Chad Hensley: New Orleans Voodoo – An Oddity Unto Itself, Alexander Nym: Kabbalah references in contemporary culture, Zaheer Gulamhusein: Standing in Line, Carl Abrahamsson: As the Wolf Lies Down to Rest, Vanessa Sinclair & Ingo Lambrecht: Ritual and Psychoanalytical Spaces as Transitional, featuring Sangoma Trance States, Hagen von Tulien: Listening to the Voice of Silence – A Contemporary Perspective on the Fraternitas Saturni, Erik Davis: Infectious Hoax: Robert Anton Wilson reads H.P. Lovecraft, N: II. Land, Kadmus: Neo-Chthonia, Kadmus: A Fragment of Heart – A contribution to the Mega-Golem, Stojan Nikolic: The One True Church of the Dark Age of Scientism, Miguel Marques: The Labors of Seeing – A Journey Through the Works of Peter Whitehead, Renata Wieczorek: The Conception of Number According to Aleister Crowley, Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule: Fragments of Fact, Derek Seagrief: Conscious ExIt, Kasper Opstrup: By This, That – A spin on Lea Porsager’s Spin, and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: Greyhounds of the future.

This volume contains material by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Frater Achad, Timothy O’Neill, Philip Farber, Kendell Geers, Sasha Chaitow, Derek Seagrief, Vera Nikolich, Alexander Nym, Vanessa Sinclair, Stephen Sennitt, Antony Hequet, Patrick Lundborg, Henrik Dahl, Angela Edwards, Jason Louv, Kasper Opstrup, Peter Grey, Antti Balk, Kjetil Fjell, Sandy Robertson, Adam Rostoker, Emory Cranston, Manon Hedenborg-White, Sara George and Carl Abrahamsson, on topics as diverse as Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, Anton LaVey, Sar Peladan, Fernand Khnopff, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Heinlein, William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Wilhelm Reich, Thelema, Satanism, Symbolism, psychoanalysis, Dada, apocalyptic witchcraft, psychedelic philosophy, visionary book covers, Cannabis, artificial human companions, sacred prostitution, German Expressionist cinema, slam poetry, independent universities, extraterrestrial influences, astrology, sexual magic, science fiction and more…
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

The sixth issue of The Fenris Wolf touches upon topics as diverse as occult London, Tantric quests, rune magic and neurology, Cannabis, LSD, entheogenic influences on culture, the Mega Golem, Aleister Crowley in China, Bogomil Gnostics, decadent French author Josephin Péladan, the birth and death horoscopes of the Great Beast 666, Liber AL vel Legis, the psycho-sexual surrealism of Hans Bellmer, healing, death, the extraterrestrial origins of language, Ernst Jünger’s psychedelic approaches, recent Satanic cinema, the occult potential of contemporary physics, “Babalon” as a magical formula, the mystical art of Sulamith Wülfing and a never before published poem, The Litany of Ra, by Charles Stansfeld Jones a.k.a. Frater Achad. And more…

Carl Abrahamsson – Editor’s Introduction, Jason Louv – The Freedom of Imagination Act, Patrick Lundborg – Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of, Gary Lachman – Secret Societies and the Modern World, Tim O’Neill – The War of the Owl and the Pelican, Dianus del Bosco Sacro – The Great Rite, Philip H Farber – Entities in the Brain, Aki Cederberg – At the Well of Initiation, Renata Wieczorek – The Magical Life of Derek Jarman, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – A Dark Room of Desire, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – Kreeme Horn, Ezra Pound – Translator’s Postscript, Stephen Ellis – Poems for The Fenris Wolf, Hiram Corso – Mel Lyman, Mel Lyman – Plea for Courage, Gary Dickinson – The Daughter of Astrology, Robert Podgurski – Sigils and Extra Dimensionality, Frater Nigris – Liber Al As-if, Peter Grey – The Abbey Must be Built, Vera Mladenovska Nikolich – A Different Perspective of the Undead, Kevin Slaughter – The Great Satan, Lionel Snell – The Art of Evil, Phenex Apollonius – The Quintessence of Daimonic Ipseity, Phanes Apollonius – Infernal Diabolism in Theory and Practice, Anonymous – Falling with Love: Embracing the Infernal Host, Lana Krieg – Sympathy with the Devil: Faust’s Infernal Formula, Carl Abrahamsson – State of the Art: Birthpangs of a Mega-Golem, Carl Abrahamsson – Hounded by the Dogs of Reason
E-book-edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

Carl Abrahamsson – The whys of yesterday are the why-nots of today, Hermann Hesse – The Execution (translated by Michael Moynihan), Fredrik Söderberg – Black and White Meditations 1-23, Peter Gilmore – Every Man and Woman is a Star, Peter Grey – Barbarians at the Gates, John Duncan – Hallelujah, Ramsey Dukes – Democracy is dying of AIDS, Tim O’Neill – The Technology of Civilization X, Thomas Karlsson – Religion and Science, David Beth – Bloodsongs, Payam Nabarz – Liber Astrum, Hiram Corso – Unveiling the Mysteries of the Process Church, Jean-Pierre Turmel – The Pantheon of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Kendell Geers – The Penis Might Ier Than Thes Word, Z’ev – The Calls, Robert Taylor – Dreamachine, Phil Farber – An Interview with Terence McKenna, Phil Farber – McKenna, Ramachandran and the Orgy, Thomas Bey William Bailey – The Twilight of Psychedelic America?, Ernst Jünger – LSD again/Nochmals LSD, Baba Rampuri – The Edge of Indian Spirituality, Aki Cederberg – In Search of Magic Mirrors, Carl Abrahamsson – Thelema & Politics, Carl Abrahamsson – Someone’s messing with the Big Picture, Carl Abrahamsson – An Art of High Intent?, Carl Abrahamsson – A Conversation with Kenneth Anger 2008
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)

THE FENRIS WOLF 1-3 (2011)
Carl Abrahamsson – Editor’s Introduction
Carl Abrahamsson – ‘Zine und Zeit (2011)
The Fenris Wolf 1 (1989)
John Alexander – The Strange Phenomena of the Dream, Helgi Pjeturss – The Nature of Sleep and Dreams, Tim O’Neill – A Dark Storm Rising, Carl Abrahamsson – Inauguration of Kenneth Anger, Carl Abrahamsson – An Interview with Genesis P-Orridge, William S Burroughs – Points of Distinction between Sedative and Consciousness-Expanding Drugs, Carl Abrahamsson – Jayne Mansfield – Satanist, TOPYUS – Television Magick, Anton LaVey – Evangelists vs The New God
The Fenris Wolf 2 (1990)
Lionel Snell – The Satan Game, Carl Abrahamsson – In Defence of Satanism, Anton LaVey – The Horns of Dilemma, Genesis P-Orridge – Beyond thee Valley ov Acid, Phauss – Photographs, Jack Stevenson – 15 Voices from God, Jack Stevenson – 18 Fatal Arguments, Tim O’Neill – Art On the Edge of Life, Terence Sellers – To Achieve Death, Stein Jarving – Choice and Process, Tim O’Neill – Under the Sign of Gemini, 93/696 – The Forgotten Ones In Magick, Tim O’Neill – The Mechanics of Maya, Coyote 12 – The Thin Line, Genesis P-Orridge – Thee Only Language Is Light, Jack Stevenson – Porno on Film, Carl Abrahamsson – An Interview with Kenneth Anger
The Fenris Wolf 3 (1993)
Jack Stevenson – Vandals, Vikings and Nazis, von Hausswolff & Elggren – Inauguration of two new Kingdoms, Tim O’Neill – A Flame in the Holy Mountain, Frater Nigris – A Preliminary Vision, Carl Abrahamsson – The Demonic Glamour of Cinema, William Heidrick – Some Crowley Sources, Peter H Gilmore – The Rite of Ragnarök, ONA – The Left-Handed Path, Zbigniew Karkowski – The Method Is Science…, Fetish 23 – Demonic Poetry, Ben Kadosh – Lucifer-Hiram, Freya Aswynn – The Northern Magical Tradition, Anton LaVey – Tests, Austin Osman Spare – Anathema of Zos, Rodney Orpheus – Thelemic Morality, Nemo – Recognizing Pseudo-Satanism, Philip Marsh – Pythagoras, Plato and the Hellenes, Terence Sellers – A Few Acid Writings, Hymenæus Beta – Harry Smith 1923-1991, Andrew M McKenzie – Outofinto, Beatrice Eggers – Nature: Now, Then and Never
E-book edition available here (Kindle)
E-book edition available here (Apple)