Skimming a potential immersion, are you?


Being actually subjected to art is perhaps not such a bad thing, after all? If we can casually control someone else’s artistic expression via our own computers and gadgets, and thereby feel temporarily superior and arrogant, then perhaps it’s a healthy thing to at times immerse oneself in it instead, on the dictated terms of the expression itself.

I’m not saying one should force oneself to watch a lot of junk simply because of a pointless and arbitrary honoring of some aloof principle of respect. Not at all. But if you already feel curiosity, resonance and respect for a genuine and intelligent artwork, then perhaps it’s a great idea to ritualize the moment in order to go deeper into it.

An example: If you can watch a chosen film in a cinema, that in itself rules out (or should) disrespecting the film by looking at your phone, flipping through a magazine, and what not. You’re there in the darkness, exposed to the film, and at the appointed time. The film rules, and it rules out everything but the film. A compelling cultural congress.

The same should be true or valid for music and books too. Why read casually when you know you’re dealing with great writing? Why do other things at the same time as you’re listening an amazing piece of music?

To get deeper into whatever you’re taking part of, you need to subject yourself to the work in question. But in times when everyone is encouraged to have a fast, smart, loud and (not so) unique opinion about everything, how can we expect that people would have the time or energy to really watch, read and listen?

I think the solution lies in ritualizing the experience. Make it special. Shut out everyone and everything that is not relevant to your indulgence. Focus. Value it. Savor the moment. Then, indulge on your own terms and, more importantly, on the terms of the artwork in question.

After you have given it a genuine shot, only then can you be allowed to have an opinion about it. People who skim life and its multifaceted expressions of intelligence and beauty simply need to step back and shut up.

It seems a paradox of sorts but it really isn’t: only those who who can subject themselves temporarily but wholeheartedly to art, are those who are fit to be on top and have an opinion.



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