Sinnelag: a dark state of mind

Only once in a while do I retract from long term musical partnerships (and then only temporarily). Usually collaborations are fun and rewarding within a Third Mind framework. Usually they bring out entirely unexpected music that would have been impossible to make on my own. However, I’ve come to notice that it works the other way around too. When I’m totally alone with the audio structure spirits, the communication becomes transcending in a much more brooding and darker way. Sure, I can recognize elements and attractions that are mine and mine alone, but I’m more and more surprised in the solo setting these days. It’s as if the Third Mind has become the norm and in long term musical partnerships one gets the hang of it after a while. The unexpected becomes the expected. Not creatively Kosher. Some years ago, I started making music on my own again. This time without any concept or umbrella (like an “album”). I was just curious to see where the...

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Atlantean Art & Occult Poland

I hope to see you in Gdansk, Poland, this weekend, Friday the 13th (!) to Sunday the 15th. I’ll be lecturing (well, speculating is probably a more apt term) about Aleister Crowley and Rudolf Steiner at the Lashtal Press Conference, and look forward to that a lot. Gdansk is a beautiful city and I have dear memories from when Cotton Ferox played there in 2008. Speaking of which, Cotton Ferox will return to Poland on the 17th of November, to perform at the Trans/Wizje festival in Warsawa. More news on this event will follow as we get closer to the date. I will also have an article in the issue of T/W that will be released for/at the festival. The theme of the article is the human being’s need for magical play, externalized through dolls of various kinds. The theme of the concert, however, will be something completely different: temporary dissociation. “What else is new?”, right? Alchemy, antimodernism, anachronism or just Atlantean art? I try to keep up with the...

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Gathering of the Tribe: Beware of Brilliance!

Quite a while ago I got my hands on Mark Goodall’s book Gathering of the Tribe – Music and Heavy Conscious Creation (Headpress, 2013). I thought I’d read it and write the review without much ado. Boy, was I wong! Actually, I’m still stuck in the book… Help! But this is not because that it’s hard to penetrate or difficult in any way. On the contrary. I’m still stuck because I want to. Goodall’s HEAVY journey through a multitude of various musical styles is simply so brilliant that I want to stay in this deranged stream of wonders and frights forever. What appears at first to be an eclectic guide for record collectors is in actual fact a real mind opener in itself. Not only because of the incredible weirdness Goodall describes, but also because of how he does it (and his friends too). This is a brilliant, illuminating and highly well written book. Try this out for size: Cosmic Sounds, Jazz and the Spirit World, Freaky Folk, The Law of Octaves:...

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Elisabeth Punzi & The Mushroom Clouds

After having worked with so much weird music together since 1989 or thereabouts, Thomas Tibert and me decided that it would be fun and challenging to make some real pop music instead of the usual Cotton Ferox-structures. So that’s what we did, from 2009 and onwards. The Mushroom Clouds were now catapulted into an unsuspecting cosmos. Back in 2010, we had amassed a bunch of tracks that were very conventional, yet trippy and perhaps even intelligent. Then we gave some serious thought to the vocal issue. Who could vocalize our vision? The best answer to that question was within reach: Gothenburgian chanteuse extraordinaire Elisabeth Punzi of Whipped Cream-fame drifted into the studio like elegant royalty and, as they so frequently say on TV these days, “delivered”. The first result of this collaboration is the EP called EP I, which is available in the digisphere from September 5th, 2013. Beauty and the Beats: Elisabeth Punzi flanked by Mushroom & Clouds, 2010. There...

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