Enforcement of natural harmony is a great idea!

The antidotes to the malignant maladies of human post-civilization can all be found in nature. Nature is good. The definition of good being the least possible noise in the solar-chlorophyllic signal response. Recently I was in Abisko in Swedish Lapland (Laponia) together with my daughter and it struck me after only five minutes and approximately five meters into nature how incredibly energizing this experience is – each time and always. Abisko is a National Park and perhaps that’s one key to the mystery: this vast area of serene and stark nature hasn’t been polluted by people. Sure, there are a lot of people there each year but they leave nothing behind. They come, they fill their lungs with clean air, their auras with chlorophyllic saturation, drink clean water, etc, and then leave as happier individuals. To me it is just a really plain equation: If you respect the area by adhering to just a few simple rules (Allemansrätten, the right of public access) that in itself creates a...

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