The Fenris Wolf 4 is back! It sold out already in 2011, and has since fetched crazy prices second hand. Now you can get your own copy right HERE.
Material by Peter H Gilmore, Peter Grey, John Duncan, Ramsey Dukes, Tim O’Neill, Thomas Karlsson, David Beth, Payam Nabarz, Hiram Corso, Jean-Pierre Turmel, Kendell Geers, Z’EV, Robert Taylor, Phil Farber, Thomas Bey William Bailey, Ernst Jünger, Baba Rampuri, Aki Cederberg, and Carl Abrahamsson, on topics as diverse as Thelema, Kenneth Anger, Satanism, democracy, the astral technology of “Civilization X”, the blood mysteries of the Blutleuchte, The Process Church of the Final Judgement, an interview with Timothy Wyllie, the power of profane language and cursing, the cabalistic calls, the pantheon of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, magical uses of the Dreamachine, the esoteric order Dragon Rouge, Terence McKenna, psychedelics, LSD, psilocybin, Indian spirituality, Naga Babas, magical pilgrimages, a unique series of evocative ink images by Swedish artist Fredrik Söderberg, and much more.
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