Mother, Have A Safe Trip


My first novel, Mother, Have A Safe Trip, has now been out for a month. It’s been very exciting to talk to people about what they think about the book. A mixed bag, but very positive feedback on the whole. I haven’t really sent out review copies yet, but will do so soon. (If you have a blog or write for a magazine, please feel free to get in touch.)

I have so far received one great review already though, by Henrik Dahl from UK web site Psychedelic Press. Henrik knows a good book when he sees (and reads) one!

“… Abrahamsson clearly belongs to a tradition of western anti-authoritarian authors leaning towards libertarian or anarchist ideas. Whatever one may feel about the overriding sentiments of Abrahamson’s writings, Mother, Have a Safe Trip is a highly entertaining and thought-provoking novel. Chock-full of psychedelia, the book is also a much welcome addition to the far too few fictional works published dealing with psychedelic culture.”

The review can be read in its entirety at the PSYPRESS site.

So far, there have been three different launches for it, and I’ve had a lot of fun talking about the book and listening to people’s immediate feedback and questions. The first one was at the Norwegian Edda evening at Cappelens Forslag, the best bookstore in Oslo. Then followed legendary oasis Rönnells in dear old Stockholm, and now, most recently, very cool occult book- and stuffstore Catland in New York.


Fredrik Söderberg and myself at Cappelens Forslag. Photo: Christine Ödlund.


At Catland in New York. Photo: Phil English

Coming up is a book signing in Copenhagen, at Nekropolis. December 7th, 2013. I will also give a talk there, so drop by if you have the chance.

In preparation right now is an exhibition based on or connected with the book. It will take place at the Martin Bryder Gallery in Lund, and will contain pages and photographs that have been influential and instrumental in the creation of the book. More information about this will follow, but you can note the dates already now: January 11th to February 9th, 2014. The exhibition can travel, so please get in touch if you’re interested in arranging something closer to you.

You can order the book from Edda. Very convenient! If you’re in the US, you’ll save on postage by ordering it from JD Holmes. Thanks.