Sinnelag: a dark state of mind


Only once in a while do I retract from long term musical partnerships (and then only temporarily). Usually collaborations are fun and rewarding within a Third Mind framework. Usually they bring out entirely unexpected music that would have been impossible to make on my own.

However, I’ve come to notice that it works the other way around too. When I’m totally alone with the audio structure spirits, the communication becomes transcending in a much more brooding and darker way. Sure, I can recognize elements and attractions that are mine and mine alone, but I’m more and more surprised in the solo setting these days. It’s as if the Third Mind has become the norm and in long term musical partnerships one gets the hang of it after a while. The unexpected becomes the expected. Not creatively Kosher.

Some years ago, I started making music on my own again. This time without any concept or umbrella (like an “album”). I was just curious to see where the intuition would lead me. I encouraged myself getting into a particular emotional mood, and then worked from there. All the instruments and studio gear were left out in the living room for weeks, driving me and my little family crazy. When I felt like recording, I did. Usually very late at night.

The result of these expressions eventually became the album Själabränning and I called my solo project Sinnelag (approx “State of mind” in Swedish). It was issued on CD in a limited edition of 100 copies in 2010. Then I basically let it slip and slide.

Anyway, recently I thought it could be interesting to listen to the album again. It was. It was dark stuff galore. What a dark trip! I think I actually got rid of some heavy emotional residue in the process of making that album, because I can recognize it all in there somewhere. Music can indeed be therapeutical. Thanks to the audio structure spirits.

Now, it’s all been digitally remastered, and it does sound a lot better. Thanks to Thomas Tibert, who is such a skilled mastering person! Of course this music needs to be out there in the digisphere. Now it is. For your listening pleasure (?)… All over the digisphere… Right now!

There are some Sinnelag films too, as if the weird sounds aren’t enough. To celebrate the digital release of the album, Highbrow Lowlife has just posted Pollen av aska on the YouTube Channel.

The album Själabränning is available at all major digital outlets, including iTunes and Spotify, from September 12th, 2013. Why not try out Highbrow Lowlife’s own digistore?

1. Själabränning
2. Katarsis igen (Ljudsouvenirer)
3. Jag tänkte en gång på att samarbeta
4. Undra en smula
5. Exformation
6. Någon annans dröm
7. Pollen av aska
8. Stormiga ytans reflektion
9. Monstropolis sjunger för de döva
10. Skenrus
11. Omegahanen