Everyone was watching their tele-vizers or mind-transmitters, anxious to see what the vessel from the Saturn expedition had brought back from its voyage of almost one hundred years. I couldn’t...
The first of many book events
Mark your calendar for this great FREE book release event! October 27 2024: Join Carl Abrahamsson as he talks about his brand new magical autobiography Meetings with Remarkable Magicians: Life in the...
Join a Class of its own!
Carl Abrahamsson: Into the Devil’s Den and Back – An Introduction to the Magical System of Anton LaVey & the Church of Satan Sign up for my brand new class here: During four consecutive Sundays...
New class coming up!
Into the Devil’s Den and Back: Four sessions in a unique and exclusive class on Anton LaVey and his magical system! Join me as I talk about the history of Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, his...
Magic Trip Updates
Thank you so much for filling out the survey about our magical trip plans. So far, Bali, Morocco, and Egypt are the top choices among the people who’ve taken the survey. That sure sounds great to us...