Bonus: The Fenris Wolf 12 intro

Here is a little weekend bonus for you… The introduction to the new issue of The Fenris Wolf. You can listen to it HERE as a sound file or read it here – or both, of course. If you’re interested in...

New Chaos Magic comp!

This great book in which I’ve written about my love for the IOT magazine CHAOS INTERNATIONAL is now available on pre-order: This Is Chaos is the first collection of its kind showcasing where...

Coming Into My Own

As you probably know, my wife Vanessa and I have a Patreon where we post about all the news, projects and material that’s percolating in our lives. One regular section is the MAGIC MONDAY every… you...

Back on Rendering Unconscious

I’m on the Rendering Unconscious Podcast again, talking to Vanessa about what’s going on right now in terms of new books, classes, conferences, source magic mentorship, and much more…...

The Fenris Wolf 12 is published

The Fenris Wolf 12 is now published. Pre-orders will be sent out over the coming weeks (Thanks for your patience!). Order your own copy: Remember to order from the Amazon site closest to you for best...