The Sentient Solar Cycle

Introducing: The Sentient Solar Cycle, with author Carl Abrahamsson and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair. Join them for a year long empowering psychic refinement process, with monthly meetings via Zoom...

New Anger class coming up!

Don’t miss this very special class, coming up in February. February 2-23 2025: I will hold a four session class called ”Kenneth Anger: American Cinemagician.” More information and tickets HERE:...

I’m on the Midnight On Earth podcast

I’m on the great Midnight On Earth podcast, talking about my new book with Jake Weaver: Jake Weaver interviews Carl Abrahamson about his life and his book “Meetings with Remarkable Magicians...

Summing up 2024

This is usually the moment when I write something like ”Oh, so another year has passed… Let’s see what happened…” And I don’t intend to change that because another year has indeed passed so… let’s...

Back on Occult Rejects

I was recently on the great Occult Rejects podcast again, talking about Occulture in general and my Source Magic Mentorship in particular. Audio: Video: Here’s a breakdown:This is a dialogue...