Have you given some thought to your own freedom lately? Freedom is certainly not a given, nor is it a “right” that is handed out by some altruistic force larger than life. Freedom is kept...
New York, New York!
Why is New York such an inspiring place for creative individuals? One could argue that there’s a traditionally will driven atmosphere around, based on entrepreneurship and esteem of achievement...
Precious, precious prurience!
As the development of pulp paper, printing technology and literacy progressed at the turn of the 19-20th century, it very soon became obvious what people wanted to read about: sex & violence. And...
Edda: Intellectual Party Swedes
There is a new term for young Swedes working in Norway: “Party Swedes”. It basically means that you’re young, Swedish, work hard in Norway and spend all the money on partying. After...
The Hafler Trio Workshop
The recently released book ” ”””” ” (being an exposition and elucidation of an eternal work by The Hafler Trio) is part of an overall strategy that is mainly...