I just posted my four-session class about Kenneth Anger on the Fenris Wolf Substack: Five and a half hours of Anger chronology, insights, films, Hollywood Babylon, and of course LOTS on Aleister...
More Americans: a new photo book
Black and white photographs from American journeys between 1989 and 2012. With his intuitive gaze steering towards the netherworlds of an America that contains equal parts dream and nightmare...
I’m on Rebel Spirit Radio
I’m on Rebel Spirit Radio, talking to Nick Mather about my book Meetings With Remarkable Magicians, and many other things: Carl Abrahamsson, a multifaceted writer, filmmaker, and philosopher, returns...
I’m on the Spirit Box podcast
I’m on the excellent Spirit Box podcast with the great Darragh Mason, talking about my MEETINGS book and much more: Watch on YouTube, or listen wherever you listen! #darraghmason #spiritbox...
Back on Cult of You
I’m back on the excellent CULT OF YOU podcast, talking to Adam Nox about my book MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MAGICIANS: ”In this podcast episode, Adam Nox interviews Carl Abrahamson, who returns as a...